What can you become?

Our services.

  • 24 Hour Access.

    If you can’t make it to classes, and you don’t want to personal train, there’s still an option. We offer access to our gym via a mobile app. You can come in any time outside of class hours and get your gym on.

  • Nutrition.

    If your nutrition isn’t right, nothing else will be. You won’t look, feel, or act the way you want without proper diet. If you need help planning, executing, and sustaining proper nutrition, we can absolutely help you every step of the way.

  • Personal Training.

    There’s many reasons you might want a one on one approach to exercise. If you’re interested in a tailored plan and want to ensure you’re maximizing your plan’s potential, then you need personal training. If you want to perfect movements or just like to be generally alone when you work out, you need personal training. It is our opinion that everyone should do a short time with a personal trainer, and maybe they even stick with it for the long term. Let us know if you’d like to get started one on one.

  • Group Fitness.

    Fitness is the core of what we do. Fitness is arguably the world’s greatest medicine and will absolutely make everything in your life better. Our coaches will personally ensure your success. You will also have a group of people to hold you accountable. You’re going to go further and faster than you’ve ever gone.

  • Virtual Services.

    We get it that you might not be around a lot. You might also never be around. That’s fine, we can still improve your life virtually. Whether that be online nutrition coaching, programming, or lifestyle coaching.

  • Jr Athlete Program.

    “That kid needs to be a lot bigger/faster/stronger to play at this level.” -Most Coaches

    We want our youth to succeed. They’re our future, and the Dark Cloud is committed to doing our part in investing in our future. Sports clinics and camps are great, but you can’t build a stronger body in a week or weekend. It takes time. Putting in the time puts you ahead of others. You will absolutely improve your kid’s chances by investing in their physical capability. We’d love to chat about this.

  • Military classes.

    We are in a military community. If you want to bring your squad or team by for a workout, let us know. We can get you set up with workouts or instructional periods. As the military comes more and more into the present day of fitness, there’s a lot to know. We’re here to help, or at least give you a taste.

  • Gym Rental.

    If you’re looking for a place to host an event, our gym could work for you. Drop us a line if you’re interested in renting the space for whatever you have going on.